Monday, February 11, 2008

Where there's smoke....

Hey out there Frio River fanatics!
I bet there's a bunch of yall havin withdrawal symptoms about right now. The weather here in Concan has been wonderful, but we are definitely ready for a little rain. Actually, we have a pretty good chance for some showers today. The Frio is still runnin fine, it's just that the vegetation is very dry. The picture below is a good example for letting folks know the hazards of throwing cigarettes out the window, open fires, fireworks, etc. This was one of two range fires Saturday on RR337 just west of Leakey. One was small and contained quick, the other burned quite a bit of coutryside before it was snuffed.

Saturday on RR337 west of Leakey

Dusty conditions early last week on US83 near Uvalde

Visibility was limited looking northwest above Comanche Creek subdivision.
Well, the songbirds are already beginning to show up, and the Mountain Laurel and Agarita should be starting to bloom soon. Spring, my favorite time of year! We still have some cold weather to endure, but it's not far off. If you haven't been to Concan in the Spring, you don't know what you're missin. Six of our wonderful vacation homes are available in the off season, so come on out for a visit, we'd love to see ya!
Take care, and pray for rain.