Thursday, November 5, 2009

Color changes, green grass, awesome weather, & Garner State Park

Wow! If you've never been to the Frio Canyon and surrounding areas in the fall, you're missing it. The trees are putting on their brilliant colors, the grass is green and lush from recent rains, and the weather is AHH-some!

Gigi, Maddie, and I took a leisurely drive yesterday, down to the Frio above Neal's campground, and then on to GSP.

The water is probably a little too cool to swim or tube in for most, but just being there is so peaceful.

This weekend we're going to the Utopia Fall Art Fair.
44th Annual Utopia Fall Arts Fair - (Saturday November 7, 2009 9 am - 4 pm) Town Square, FM 187 in Utopia, Texas. There will be over 70 vendors of handmade arts & crafts plus music, food, craft demonstrations, and a silent auction to benefit local scholarships.

On November 28, Christmas on the square will be held at the courthouse square in Leakey, from 9am til 4pm. Santa Claus will be there for the kids from 10-noon, and again from 1-3. It's fun, we'll be there.

Come on, it's not ever too long of a drive to experience this. And the best part, no crowds!

This shot is looking upriver from the dam at GSP.

No description required, yall all know this spot!

We saw lots of deer and squirrels, a couple of the park folks, and a few campers.

Green is good! The 5 or 6 inches of rain we received in late September and October really revived the flora and fauna.

Oh, and we did see a few buzzards upriver from Rock Beach

You can still do the GSP dance thing after summer's over, but ya gotta bring your own music.

Well, what I'm trying to say is, you really need to come see us!
We're so thankful that we live in such a beautiful area, and can just hop in the truck and be at these spots in mere minutes. We hope you enjoy these pictures, and that they see you through the long off-season until your next trip to the Frio River.

Next trip, Lost Maples Natural Area outside of Vanderpool. The Bigtooth Maples, Lacy Oaks, and many other trees are beginning to turn colors. Another great place close by to hike and enjoy nature.
Take care, and don't forget to join FrioMan on Facebook.

FrioMan Vacation Lodging
Concan & Leakey Texas

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A little at a time

Well, it started raining again yesterday a.m., dropping around an inch here in Concan. Very light rain fell all night, and is still coming down slowly now. Although it won't bring the level of the Frio up right away, it's a great start to what we hope is a real, wet winter.
The Canyon is really greenin up now, and is looking great! As I "pen" this post, it is a cool 60 degrees out, a welcome relief from the 100+ temps many of us experienced all summer. But that's basically just normal Texas weather, right? The down side is jeans & shoes vs shorts & flip flops.
Just about got IMac figured out, so I oughtta be postin pics here again soon. In the meantime, just add FrioMan InConcan as a friend on Facebook for almost daily news and pictures from the Frio River area.
There is a link on our homepage ( to make it easy. If you haven't joined FB, try it, it's cool!
Take care, and I'll see yall soon!

FrioMan Vacation Lodging
Concan, Texas

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hey Guys...RAIN
8/10ths the other night, then 3.3 inches last night! And more expected, still need it.
I went out earlier and took some pics(posted on facebook). The Frio is looking better than it has all year, and some of last year. We're fixin to go back out, cause Hondo called and said Bunk Falls is going pretty good. Looks like more water came down and the flow/level is coming up more!

We got a new Apple IMAC, so I haven't figured out how to get my pics to it from my memory card yet. So, to see the pictures and keep up with what's goin on, add FrioMan InConcan as a friend on FaceBook.

Gone to the Frio! CYA
FrioMan Vacation Lodging
Concan, Texas

Monday, July 20, 2009

Midsummer on the Frio River '09

Has it rained where you live? I miss it terribly.

So does this little girl I saw today across the road from West of the Frio,
one of our cool vacation homes.

Too low to tube, but we still got fishin!

And lots of strollers on the gravel bar....babies or beer carriers, hmmm.

Took a ride to Buchanan's after that, to check out Neal's swimmin hole, and man the wind started blowin like crazy.

Folks down there swimmin and layin out picked up and started flocking to their vehicles...


But not everybody heard the howling winds, or saw the blowing dust and approaching storm.

Or, really cared.

Apparently they knew, as I, that it would pass by and miss us, as it usually does.
There's always tomorrow!

Since I don't have much to talk about due to the dry conditions we've been in for so long, I just don't post very often.
However, join me on FaceBook for more up to date, right away, it's goin on now, jabber.
Just add FrioMan InConcan as a friend.

But if anything important happens, like a lotta rain, and/or a good rise on the Frio, you'll see it here and on FB first!!
Come on out, the water's fine!

FrioMan Vacation Lodging

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No Rain, little change

Hey Guys
I've been getting quite a few emails to post updates, but unfortunately, nothing exciting has happened to report. It's hot & dry, and the Frio is low and slow. But it's still clean & green, and visitors are having a great time.
Below are the best place to float or swim, as reported to us firsthand by our guests: Better get there early, especially on the weekends. These are all pay to play, so don't trespass.

Happy Hollow-just like last year, this seems to be the best venue for tubers when the Frio River is running low. About a 2 hour float. Their number is 830-232-5266

Mager's crossing @ CR 350

Garner State Park

Neal's swimmin hole

That's all I have for now. I'll try to post some pictures very soon.
Take care, have fun! FrioMan

FrioMan Vacation Lodging

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rain overnight

Hey Guys
Well, the summer season is almost upon us, and we actually got some rain last night! About an inch here, and the USGS gauge shows the Frio came up about 1/2 foot. That's quite a bit for a shallow river, and should improve tubing and kayaking for our visitors this weekend. More rain is in the forecast, so keep your fingers crossed. I'll try to take some River pics this weekend and get em on soon! Lots of folks here this weekend, you shoulda seen the traffic in front of our new office!
Later, FrioMan

FrioMan Vacation Lodging
Fantastic homes and cabins in Concan & Leakey Texas.
866-7-CONCAN-reservations only please

Monday, March 30, 2009 present

Ya know, I didn't post on my blog forever over the fall & winter, so I'm gonna do a little catchin up! And I also wanted to mention that back in September, our thoughts and prayers were with yall living down on the coast, where H-Ike devastated so many lives. These good lookin young folks pictured here, my kids & grandbabies, reside in Galveston County. So they, and many others we know from Bolivar to Santa Fe to Kemah, suffered losses. We truly hope that you are making a speedy recovery, and that it's 100 more years before the next one.

My son Matthew with an excellent Real County buck this past season.
Not his first deer with a bow, but his first buck with one.

My oldest Granddaughter Kelsea, always alert to her surroundings while waiting for the wily Whitetail.

Gigi, Matthew, Meghan, Maddix, and I made a trip to Lost Maples last fall, and we had a great time. Beautiful colors.

Kelsea & Kassidy enjoying the Galveston County snow last December.

Kelsea Belle at work.

Meghan & Maddix fillin up on the flakes.

Laynie Bear is playing snow gauge.

Strangers....? Definitely so in Santa Fe.

And now, to the present.
At least, last week at Bunk Falls. My favorite time of year, some timely rains, and everything's greening up.

And...the Frio River actually looks better than it did last Labor Day. Keep your fingers crossed, and Pray For Rain!

See Ya! FrioMan

FrioMan Vacation Lodging

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Break off to a cold, wet start

If it takes bitter cold to get rain, we'll take it...and we did!

We got about 2" of good rain(is there any other kind?)

2nd crossing today
The USGS gauge showed about a 4 inch increase, but the River looks a whole lot better than that sounds. This photo and the one below were from this afternoon, and the flow & level has increased quite a bit.

2nd crossing today
It's a great start, but we could use a lot more.

Today in Reagan Wells
The wildlife in our area should benefit greatly from the recent rains, and boy, do they need some groceries. They can't survive on deer corn alone.

Although we're in a heck of a drought, don't believe everything you read and hear in the news.
There is water in the Frio River, as shown from this pic taken at Mager's Crossing Monday.

1050 Bridge Monday
Sunshine is good, but right now cold, wet & dreary is better.

Hope yall are coming out soon, conditions are shaping up. Bring more rain!

FrioMan Vacation Lodging


Friday, March 6, 2009

The Alamo, Kickin Back & cool lookin deer...

173 years ago today. The fall of the Alamo. Lest we forget.

The pool at Kickin Back, is going to be one of the most popular spots in Concan, that isn't on the River. KB is one of the really cool, new vacation homes that we have to offer Frio River visitors.
Sleeps 14, cools down about that many, and is just minutes from the River.
Go to But hurry, cuz it won't last long!
I know a bit about Kickin Back, but I haven't got any idea what kind of critters these are, in picture #2.

Gigi & I went to San Antonio yesterday, and about 9 miles towards Sabinal on TX 127, spotted these guys.

We saw them about the same time last year, just a short distance away on the Knippa hwy. I've heard what they are called twice, but can't remember how to say it, much less spell it! I'm told they are eating up the local farmer's winter wheat, and probably anything else that comes up green. If you know what kind of deer they are, please let me know.

No, it's not very warm in the Frio yet, but the swimmin hole at Vista del Rio and Butterflies r Frio is still just as deep & clear as it was late last summer. These homes are just 4 gates apart, and are fantastic places to vacation here in Concan...RIGHT ON THE RIVER!
Right Kelsea?


FrioMan Vacation Lodging
Concan, Texas


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's 92 degrees, wait, no,,,,28 degrees

Howdy Yall!
Hope you're ready for a great summer on the Frio River, cause it's gonna be a good one. Not because it's raining and the River's up(although it will), it's because just that being in the Frio Canyon is the best vacation escape...anytime, any conditions, anywhere!

Kelsea & Kassidy will agree that even in the wintertime,
the Frio River rocks!

Angie & Kelsea checkin out the pics they just shot,
while Kassidy does her best to relocate Frio River rocks.

Kayakers were out the same day plying the chilly waters beside Neal's campground.

Our local farmers are hard at it, hoping the rains come soon. We got up to 92 the other day,
then 36 hours later, it was 28 degrees!

Did I tell yall we are opening a new office this spring? I don't believe I did.

Well, about 1/2 mile before you get to the Frio River on TX 127 from Sabinal, you will now see us on the right side of the highway. We're real excited about our new location, and expect everyone that reads this to stop and say hey to FrioMan. And maybe have a cup of coffee....

Right behind the office, against the base of the mountain, sits The Cowboy House. This is one of several new vacation homes that we have to offer visitors to our beautiful area. It's not online yet, but it won't be long. Keep an eye on our website for updates.

Yesterday evening about 5:30, I was outside the office cleaning my paint rollers. There's always a big bunch of wild turkeys on the property, and I stop to admire them, every time. They are usually so wild and wary, that you don't get to see them like this. Of course, the camera was at home, so a couple of Toms put on a show. Two big boys, and then a third, completely fanned out and started struttin their stuff in front of the girls. Remind you of anyone you know? lol.
They just happened to do it in a sun drenched area under the big Live Oaks, and the colors were some kind of fine. I took the camera today, and know. Maybe next time.

That's it for now. By the way. If you look in the upper right hand corner of this post on FrioMan's Blog, you will see a link or whatever to follow my blog, be the first, yadee, okay.
I'm still waitin.... somebody, anybody....thank you!

Seeya soon!!!!

FrioMan Vacation Lodging-